Pool Houses – Poolside Bar
The Poolside Bar Includes: Your Choice Of Siding Color, Trim Color, Architectural Roof Color, Your Choice of 2 Composite Decking Color, Single 9-Lite Side Door, Slider Window, Unfinished Interior, Counter Shelf with Storage Space Above, Hip Roof.
Electric Package: $995.00
Add a Window: $195.00
Upgrade to 17-Lite Door: $295.00
Stone Face on 12′ Wide: Call for Pricing
Stone Face on 14′ Wide: Call for Pricing
Vinyl Siding: add 25%
Assemble on Site: add 25%
Grey Quaker Poolside Bar: Shown here as the 10X12 Quaker version in Grey with White trim. The Quaker model is only available in 10X12 or bigger.
Prices include free delivery of within 20 mile radius of our location. Please call or email for delivery cost outside that range. Add 25% for Vinyl Siding, Add 25% for Assemble On Site.
Size | Price | Sale Price |
8′ x 10′ | $7,085.00 | $6,450.00 |
8′ x 12′ | $7,745.00 | $6,925.00 |
8′ x 14′ | $8,260.00 | $7,495.00 |
8′ x 16′ | $8,960.00 | $8,055.00 |
8′ x 18′ | $9,415.00 | $8,395.00 |
8′ x 20′ | $10,075.00 | $9,240.00 |
10′ x 10′ | $9,415.00 | $8,860.00 |
10′ x 12′ | $10,095.00 | $9,450.00 |
10′ x 14′ | $10,750.00 | $10,135.00 |
10′ x 16′ | $11,425.00 | $10,850.00 |
Vinyl Poolside Bar Includes: Your Choice Of Siding Color, Trim Color, Architectural Roof Color, Your Choice of 2 Composite Decking Color, Single 9-Lite Side Door, Slider Window, Unfinished Interior, Counter Shelf with Storage Space Above, Hip Roof.
Wood(T1-11) Poolside Bar Includes: Your Choice Of Siding Color, Trim, Architectural Roof, Epoch Floor Colors. Shown here with different bar location.
Wood(T1-11) Poolside Bar W/Stone Includes: Your Choice Of Siding Color, Trim, Architectural Roof, Epoch Floor Colors. Shown here with Optional Stoneface.
Prices include free delivery of within 20 mile radius of our location. Please call or email for delivery cost outside that range. Optional Stoneface – add $23/Square Foot. Add 35% for Assemble On Site.
Size | Wood T1-11 | Sale Price | Vinyl | Sale Price | Lapboard Price |
Lapboard Sale Price |
10’X 12′ | $10,500.00 | $9,995.00 | $14,425.00 | $11,145.00 | $12,950.00 | $12,725.00 |
10’X 14′ | $11,415.00 | $11,145.00 | $12,450.00 | $12,145.00 | $13,970.00 | $13,830.00 |
10’X 16′ | $12,450.00 | $12,225.00 | $13,410.00 | $13,075.00 | $15,530.00 | $15,235.00 |
10’X 18′ | $13,800.00 | $13,485.00 | $14,850.00 | $14,465.00 | $17,900.00 | $17,465.00 |
10’X 20′ | $14,195.00 | $15,235.00 | $16,550.00 | $16,145.00 | $19,435.00 | $19,100.00 |
12’X 12′ | $12,915.00 | $12,550.00 | $13,780.00 | $13,485.00 | $16,225.00 | $15,935.00 |
12’X 14′ | $14,125.00 | $13,835.00 | $15,500.00 | $15,125.00 | $18,075.00 | $17,765.00 |
12’X 16′ | $15,750.00 | $15,365.00 | $17,320.00 | $16,900.00 | $20,450.00 | $20,115.00 |
12’X 18′ | $17,325.00 | $16,965.00 | $18,925.00 | $18,550.00 | $22,500.00 | $22,135.00 |
12’X 20′ | $19,050.00 | $18,525.00 | $20,785.00 | $20,275.00 | $24,955.00 | $24,565.00 |
Basic Electric Package: $995.00
(Includes 1 ceiling light fixture over bar, 2 outlets & “J” box.)
Each Additional Outlet: $189.00
Add a Window – T-11 – $239.00 OR Vinyl: $389.00
Stack Stone for under Bar Counter: See Salesperson
(stone not available for Assemble on Sites)
Assemble on Site: Add 35%